
Etheridge Walking Network Plan

Etheridge Walking Network Plans

We’d like to know how we can make walking in Einasleigh, Forsayth and Mt Surprise a more accessible, safe and an overall improved experience for those in our community.

Walking for short trips around town is one of the most effective ways to combine regular exercise with your everyday routine. More people will walk when everyday destinations are connected by comfortable, direct, safe and accessible routes.

To encourage walking as a more desirable option and identify future network opportunities around Einasleigh, Forsayth and Mt Surprise, Council and The Department of Main Roads (TMR) are developing a Walking Network Plan for each of the townships.

The key part of these plans is to better understand community habits and needs for the transport network and how walking infrastructure in Einasleigh, Forsayth and Mt Surprise can be improved now and in the future.

Visit each of the sites to provide your feedback:



Mt Surprise


If you prefer a PDF version, please find documents below. Please forward any completed surveys to or PO Box 12, Georgetown QLD 4871. 

Walking Survey - Einasleigh

Walking Survey - Forsayth

Walking Survey - Mt Surprise